How a 250-Acre Greenhouse Transformed Its Safety Program by Eliminating Paper

Nature Fresh Farms took their safety documentation digital – and are saving 80% of the time they used to spend chasing records.

Meet the Client

Headquartered in Leamington, Ontario, Nature Fresh Farms is a leading greenhouse producer of tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, and more.


Fresh Produce



Food Safety Certifications

PrimusGFS, USDA Organic



Paper Records: A Burden to Growth & Innovation

As Nature Fresh grew, the old methods of documentation became a hindrance.

  • icn-xmark-circle-red Hours spent printing, distributing, and organizing paper checklists for each individual area every day
  • icn-xmark-circle-red Tedious, repetitive, and slow handwriting for data capture
  • icn-xmark-circle-red Delays in detecting deviations after records were submitted
  • icn-xmark-circle-red Constant follow-up to resolve wayward or incomplete records
  • icn-xmark-circle-red Limited compliance visibility across acres and acres of greenhouses

Making the Choice: Priorities for Change

Nature Fresh compared many tools to find a digital solution as dynamic as their operations.

  • icn-check-circle-green Ease of Use
    Nature Fresh needed quick and effective adoption with minimal training for non-technical staff
  • icn-check-circle-green Scaleable Support
    Nature Fresh had no IT team and limited time available, so they needed full-service configuration and training to simplify the implementation process
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“Provision is incredibly user-friendly. Their team provided a tremendous amount of guidance, and were there every step of the way as we customized the platform for our facility.”

Steven Farrar • Health & Safety Manager, Nature Fresh


Innovative Solutions for Operational Excellence

How Nature Fresh took existing strategies to the next level with the help of Provision’s digital toolbox.


Real-Time Recognition of Non-Conformances

  • icn-check-circle-green Required fields prevent incomplete record submissions, saving managers time
  • icn-check-circle-green Smart rules automatically check data against critical limits, flagging issues faster
  • icn-check-circle-green Alerts escalate deviations to management, enabling timely CAPA responses
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“Provision lets us see trends and non-conformances in real-time, giving us the opportunity to tackle things immediately and put preventive controls in place.”

Steven Farrar • Health & Safety Manager, Nature Fresh


Faster Records With Fewer Mistakes

  • icn-check-circle-green In-app translation fosters better understanding with ESL team members
  • icn-check-circle-green SOP guidance shows up in related records, putting help at users’ fingertips
  • icn-check-circle-green Data entry moves fast with autofill, dropdown menus, and images
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“With the opportunity to translate each form, our Spanish-speaking inspectors can provide us answers in their own language seamlessly.”

Steven Farrar • Health & Safety Manager, Nature Fresh


Easy Organization of Teams & Records

  • icn-check-circle-green Automated task reminders prevent missing and late records
  • icn-check-circle-green Related forms link together to clearly coordinate work orders and traceability
  • icn-check-circle-green Centralized, searchable documentation allows real-time verification or root cause analysis
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“It’s easy to find work orders that exist in relation to each individual checklist – we’re saving at least 75% of time we used to spend on data entry and verification.”

Steven Farrar • Health & Safety Manager, Nature Fresh

Time Savings

Smart records have given Nature Fresh the agility to succeed as their operations expand.

Adopting Provision has brought about a transformative change in Nature Fresh Farms’ health and safety processes. With significant time savings and improved data visibility, Nature Fresh Farms’ commitment to safety is more secure than ever.

“Moving our forms to Provision was revolutionary.”

Rod Gonzalez • Health & Safety Specialist, Nature Fresh


Time saved on data entry


Time saved on team management


Time saved on record review and verification


Time saved on audit preparation






Amy Wayne

Provision Analytics

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