
Make food safety and QA records faster and easier than paper.

“If you can text, you can use Provision.”

Craig Ogilvie

Craig Ogilvie

Supply Chain Director, BC Tree Fruits
Watet test
Water test
Pre inspection

Save time with help embedded in records.

Limit downtime for questions and prevent duplicate work for corrections.


View related SOP instructions without leaving the record


Tap icons to see help text, and view sample answers in fields


Automatically hide and reveal questions based on prior answers


Comment in any record to get an answer from your team


Catch and correct mistakes, faster.

Automatically ensure you have populated records completely and correctly.
Limit distracting rework on record submissions.


Know what to work on, and when it’s due.

Start your shift with a simple table of what’s due that day, and get reminder alerts for any upcoming task.
Tap directly on a task to complete the corresponding record.

Tasks overdue
Cost Control

Complete records up to 75% faster.

Autofill Answers

Autofill data such as the person, time, location, and any other repeat answers in fields.

Easy Menus

Pick any product, supplier, equipment, and more in just two taps – and skip all related specs.

Track Changes

Automatically timestamp activity in food safety and QA records, by user.

   No Duplication

Link two or more related records together to prevent duplicate data entry.


Do work in your own language.

Create records, policies, reports, and tasks in any language.
Use the main menu in English, French, or Spanish, or use Chrome for live translation.


Get better context and clearer data.

Eliminate messy handwriting with quick-action menus and autofill in digital records.
Add images and attachments to build context for root cause analysis.

Legibility image

Produce spreadsheets, without using Excel.

Enter data in easy-to-use digital records, accessible on any device.
Create custom reports to summarize submissions, and export the data as a spreadsheet in one tap.

Provision icon excel icon numbers icon

FA Regular Star Green Client Case Study

Nature Fresh Farms

3 minutes

FA Regular Star Green Client Case Study

Double Diamond Fruit

4 minutes

FA Regular Star Green Client Case Study

Indianapolis Fruit

8 minutes


FA Regular Pencil Green Time Saved in Data Entry

Average Client-Reported Result


FA Regular User Green Time Saved in Team Management

Average Client-Reported Result


FA Regular Magnifying Glass Green Time Saved in Verification

Average Client-Reported Result


FA Regular Square Check Green Time Saved in Audit Prep

Average Client-Reported Result

Smart Food Safety

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