The Solution for Growers
It’s More Important to Be Usable Than Advanced
Facing the FSMA mandate, most growers must collect and structure digital data in new ways. But big tech companies are too busy catering to their huge clients to roll up their sleeves and create a tool usable by the average grower. Successful solutions must cater to operations with no IT teams, limited time, and smart budgets. Provision is built for fresh produce with practical usability in mind:
Multi-lingual staff?Translate any documentation into 109 languages in a few clicks.
Working in the sun?Touch targets are 20% larger than average to offset screen glare.
Can't remember what your consultant said to do?Get real-time work instructions at your fingertips.
No time for review?Set rules that automatically check the data from field staff.
Four Simple Steps to Become FSMA-Compliant on Provision
Create a product record in less than 20 seconds.
Use your product record to easily autofill your traceability forms.
Connect your traceability forms together in one click.
Download your FSMA traceability spreadsheet in one click.
The Solution for Networks
To scale the solution from one grower to thousands, Provision has partnered with Kezzler and DNV.
Kezzler is known as the winner of the FDA Food Traceability Challenge. Its software plugs into Provision to aggregate FSMA data from any number of growers into one central view. This simplifies and expedites traceback for companies who handle fresh produce from many suppliers.
DNV services are trusted by more than 12,000 clients in the food sector. Many of these clients are now looking to DNV for guidance on FSMA 204. DNV’s newest offering includes configuration, training, and support services to ensure the successful adoption of Provision and Kezzler solutions. With staff in 100 countries, DNV helps growers reach compliance in their own timezones and languages, with special attention given to local constraints and cultural references.
Getting Started
FSMA compliance is an inevitable necessity, so it’s important that growers find usable tools that can deliver digital data compliance. With autofilled records, automatic reports, and smart partnerships, Provision has already saved clients like Double Diamond Fruit up to 80% of their time to pass FSMA practice audits.
The following timeline is recommended to ready your operation for compliance: