Organic Advantages & Challenges

Among the most widely-recognized certifications by consumers in North America, USDA Organic certification is consistently growing in popularity as an option among fresh produce operations. According to the USDA, a total of more than 4.9 million acres of land were considered certified organic in 2021and in the two-year period between 2017 and 2019 organic crop sales grew from $5.8 billion to $6.1 billion.

Clearly, going organic is a lucrative proposition for manybut among the requirements mandated for receiving certification, one stands out as particularly challenging in a paper-based food safety management system: document retention.

In addition to using only specified materials in conjunction with a designated organic field for fertilization, weed and pest control, sanitation, and water management, farms seeking organic certification through the USDA must satisfy a number of criteria for maintaining readily auditable records for at least five years on a rolling basis. Broadly speaking, the recordkeeping system used must allow traceability from birth or purchase to death or sale.

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Maintaining records of such scope in addition to other required documentation on paper is not only stressful and time-consuming, but opens the door for mistakes to happen along the way. Building a more dynamic data management system is the solution; and adding smart tools from a platform like Provision elevates document management to the next level.

Provision: An Ally for Organic Certification

Audit readiness can be stressful for any food safety program, but adding the weight of years' worth of documentation makes organic audits even more of a burden on managers. Provision users skip the step of gathering together paper or doing excessive data entry to get their numbers into a more auditable format. By centralizing all documentation in a single hub that can be accessed anywhere, the path to compliance is a breeze.

Physical paper slows information retrieval, costing valuable time and causing audit lag

  • Search any record based on the data it contains
  • Sort records by crop year
  • Skip one-by-one record reviews and summarize data in a custom report

Disorganized documentation is difficult to review for traceability

  • Linked forms offer easy traceability across processes
  • Convenient drop-down menus and auto-fill options streamline data entry and help avoid input errors
IFPA Growers - Step 3 - Traceability

Paper is fallible and fragile

  • Digital documents don't decay over time and are always available
  • Built-in smart rules and guidelines give real-time feedback and easily flag errant data or deviations, eliminating the need to double-check inputs for accuracy
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We've completely eliminated the prep of paperwork before an audit. It's there, it's waiting for us to manipulate based on what the auditor asks us. With Provision, we're audit-ready all the time.
Alexandra Roberts
Director of Culture & Compliance - Rice Fruit Company

Coming Full Circle

Organic producers can find great benefit in digitizing their documentation and food safety management programs. By bringing their paper to a platform like Provision, growers gain the automation and visibility required to save time and stress - offering more freedom to focus on their crops.

Provision's certified organic clients report 88% overall time savings when comparing their digital documentation to their prior method of audit preparation.